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Private Hire

The Post Mortem Live show is available for private hire, each year we're booked by dozens of UK universities and NHS trusts to provide hands on anatomy & physiology training for student & current healthcare professionals.


Our 4 hour, fully interactive &  live show offers the chance for students to see, touch, feel & dissect real organs and tissues, to consolidate their understanding of both normal and pathological conditions.


CASE STUDY | Nottingham Trent University

For the last 3 years NTU have booked private showings of The Post Mortem Live for their students, a top national performer in the National Student Survey, NTU rebook live events with us as the student feedback in the biosciences catapults the university up ratings. What better offer for undergraduate students than taking part in a live post mortem experience as part of your undergraduate training? 


Whats included?

When booking all we need from you is a large sports hall or flat event space. Each show is for up to 200 students, and we supply the chairs and tables. Our crew will arrive on site to rig up, install our cutting edge state of the art audio-visual system including HD cameras, set up the body for dissection as well as prepare the room, included in the event is our free internal e-ticketing so you can see who signed up for the event internally and who turned up on the day. We provide all of the specimens to dissect, the scissors and other sharps/equipment as well as the show itself. 


CASE STUDY | Sheffield Hallam University

Since 2017 we have been supporting students at SHU. The university has booked us every year to help support those studying NHS courses as well as running events to drive up recruitment across South Yorkshire. Sheffield is one of our favourite calling points on the tour. 


What's involved?

Getting started is free & easy. Just click the button below to start a conversation. We have a dedicated team who look after our Private bookings. A starting point is to identify a possible date and room to host the event with timetabling. We need this information to check our live diary. A large hall or sports hall is needed, lecturer theatres don't work as the show requires a lot of group dissection at tables Private Shows always offer the best value for money with events tarting from just £25.00 per person.


CASE STUDY | Sheffield Hallam University

Since 2017 we have been supporting students at SHU. The university has booked us every year to help support those studying NHS courses as well as running events to drive up recruitment across South Yorkshire. Sheffield is one of our favourite calling points on the tour. 


How do I enquire?

1. Identify dates and check room availability


2. Check how many students you wish to take part, each showing can accommodate up to 200 students


3. Click the button below to start organising you event....





CASE STUDY | Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals

NuTH NHS Trust have booked events with us for their whole staff group. Did you know you get a 4 hour CPD certificate for use professionally for taking part in our live shows? 

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